Tuesday, September 06, 2005

A meal away from savagery

I think there was a saying somewhere about the fact that our society is just one meal away from being savages. Y'know, I think the situation in New Orleans with people looting, shooting and being general ferals really proves that point.

Although... Not really! Because if you think about the Boxing Day tsunami that affected so many people in so many countries last year, there weren't really any stories about that sort of thing occurring. People generally seemed to treat each other with respect, pitch in to help their neighbours and work to look after each other as best they could in the days and months following the disaster.

Okies, so there were a few reports about paedophiles taking advantage of orphaned or abandoned/lost children, but those sort of adults are scum anyway.

So does this mean that although America is a 'first world' country, they're worse off than some 'third world' or developing countries? I mean, not in terms of wealth, but in terms of actually being human. Morals, ethics, human kindness and stuff, you know.

People have been holding nurses hostage at hospitals in New Orleans (according to the news tonight), letting old people in nursing homes die, George Dubya Bush's response as a leader of the nation was slow and pathetic, people shooting at those who have come to help them out, stealing whatever they can get their hands on, etc, etc, etc.

And America is meant to be a civilised nation under God?

Hopefully more stories emerge about positive things that have happened with people helping to rescue others or other such stuff after the current stuff all dies down, but who knows. It's just one big stupid ugly mess now :(

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