Tuesday, November 15, 2005



I had the most weird dreams last night and a few of them actually woke me up, but there was one that stuck out in particular that made American Psycho look like a story for kids!


In the dream, two people were trying to kill each other and the lady stabbed the guy through the throat with one of those really long, wide-bladed knives that you get in good kitchen knife sets. It was really, really freaky! And it woke me up at around 1.50am or something. Almost rang some friends just to have random happy non-stabby conversations, but that would probably be a bit too early in the morning!

Don't remember the other dreams, but they were equally bizarre, yet far less disturbing/violent/deathy.

So exhausted again because of the dreams, even though I went to bed at the insanely early hour of 10pm! o.0

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