Thursday, October 04, 2007

One for the entomophobics...

He was on his back when I found him, looking dead.

I poked him with the point of my shoe.

He moved.

I turned him over, photographed him and then he clumsily flew off.

Obviously, it's important to interact with nature in your lunch break... Particularly if it provides photo opportunities.


Clansi said...

a Cicada ALREADY????

I remember when I was little and my brothers and I used to go outside at night and follow the sound of cicacdas till we found a newly hatched one and then the boys would put it on my bare tummy...

thinking about that now, its a little wierd!

Della said...

Yup, already!

A sign of the long, noisy summer days and nights to come, I guess... Bleh.

That is a little weird, but I guess it would have tickled or something? :)