Monday, November 05, 2007

Remember, remember the fifth of November,
The gunpowder treason and plot.
I know of no reason
Why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.

I hope it doesn't mean this bottle of milk is going to blow up in the fridge or something like that... Eww.


kris said...

AAAHHH! i forgot the 5th of november!

Della said...

You need a bottle of milk to remind you! :-p

Actually, my Dad reminded me of it last night. We were talking about childhood memories and he mentioned about fireworks and buying crackers and so on for Guy Fawkes.

Anonymous said...

Ah Guy Fawkes. Many fond memories here too. That was all way back before stupid people ruining it for the rest of us. Now you can only just buy fireworks, and they might be gone next year (for sale to the general public, that is) because of a few more stupid people. Can't we just let natural selection take it's course?

Della said...

I think here in Aus, the stupid people have already ruined it. Personal responsibility apparently doesn't exist. And yeah, you'd think the natural selection thing could be handy in some cases.

Plus the stories people can tell their kids and grandkids about how they nearly lost an eye/hand/limb/etc are all part of the magic of growing up...