Sunday, October 25, 2009

Things that make the world better (this weekend)

1) Rammstein's new album Liebe ist für alle da. Amazing. Again. Although maybe that's just because I've been looking forward to it all year and that excitement has expressed itself in loving pretty much every single track. Althoug Mehr doesn't really do it for me. But the rest are good and I like how there's elements of previous albums hinted at. Although there's not quite so many little trick phrases that can have many meanings that I've found. Yet. I'm sure they're in there, but I've just been focusing on enjoying it rather than getting into serious meanings at the moment. The track I like most is Haifisch. Not sure why, mostly it's the chorus. Roter Sand is gorgeous, too.

It's seems a fair bit darker than previous albums, but it's in a rather absurdist way. And yet it's logical, because it's progression from previous albums (and just a progression from what they've already done otherwise apart from that - they're all about pushing buttons). Quite a few songs reminded me strongly of others - in particular, Wiener Blut made me think of Spiel Mit Mir.

Anyways, it's dark, it's hot and it's amazing.

And I apologise to the neighbours for playing it so loudly, over and over again.

P.S: Rammstein, I love you, please come to Australia!!!

2) Dinner with friends. Made the most awesome potato bake ever, and a couple salads that I'm definitely going to have to make again in future. It was nice to have a relaxing meal with people I love spending time with :) I'm not so fond of cleaning up, which is why the glasses were still out this morning...

3) Bed and sleep. Which I think I'm going to go do something about now!


Kezza said...

it was indeed a fun dinner - thanks! i play within temptation really loud sometimes. im sure the neighbours dont appreciate it. ah well! gotta love it loud sometimes

Della said...

That's okay! Sorry about the lack of boardgames. Was kinda brain-fried by then! *lol*

Hopefully the neighbours don't mind too much! I just try to play stuff loud during the day when people aren't likely to be sleeping. Although there are sometimes lapses...

Kezza said...

lack of boardgames - all good. i was too tired by then too. it was still fun! yeh i usually play loud music during the day or early evening. some of our neighbours play loud music late at night on w/ends! its a bit annoying

Della said...

Late at night on weekends sucks!

There's apparently one neighbour who does that, but I've never heard it (just heard rumours of it from other neighbours).

Maybe their house blocks the noise tho ;)

Anonymous said...

I am in love with those glasses