The Christmas tree (which was purchased for $20 - $20 worth of defective dementedness) has been beaten into submission with a hammer and then decorated. Inspiration was found yesterday. Although really it was procrastination, because dealing with the trimmer line for the mower was bending my brain. And the cat that randomly comes over to my house had fun batting at the lower-hanging baubles, so amusing distractions can't be too bad a thing.
Really not ready for Christmas at all. This year I've set myself the challenge of making some Christmas presents for the people at work.* It's going to be something like truffles, provided they work out. To force myself to do it, I've bought a whole lot of cooking chocolate and other ingredients to make said truffles. Besides, the recipe makes it look easy.
Chocolate, things, more chocolate, flavouring, attempt not to burn down kitchen, roll chocolatey things into balls, dip in cocoa or other chocolatey thing, put in fridge, everyone's happy. And if not, then they can throw the truffles at people wandering past their offices or something like that.
*People tend to give out Christmas presents here. Which can be kind of awkward if you haven't gotten them something. "Err, here, have this post-it note. Merry Christmas!"
Yay almost Christmas Holidays!!!
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