Thursday, February 14, 2008

So I have loitered my life away, reading books, looking at pictures, going to plays, hearing, thinking, writing on what pleased me best. I have wanted only one thing to make me happy but wanting that have wanted everything.
- William Hazlitt


He's gorgeous, fun, has a wonderfully twisted sense of humour, and it's so Valentine's emo to write about that sort of thing. But it's strange how much you realise its importance when mortality enters the equation. And how things at the moment don't work so you'd be able to actually tell them about the entire scope of feelings.

Which always end up being more complicated than they should be.

But then life is like that. Or at least, my life is. If things ever became simple, uncomplicated and non-odd, it probably wouldn't actually be my life any more. You get used to things when they're peculiar.

And today did involve chocolate and random Valentine's SMS's from random friends who were getting in the schnookums sweetiepie mood and sharin' the love. Aww, bless.

Happy Valentine's Day, all :)


clare said...

ill share my chocolate body paint.
but i dont count as in the schnookums sweetiepie mood.

Dominique said...

no fairs... I no get chocolate yesterday. not that I need it (Oh my I sound like my mum) but something would be nice....

clare said...

i may have got chocolate, but i wanted flowers.

Della said...

Clare - flowers are way nicer than chocolate. Even body choc *lol*

Kaisa - you just have to worry if you start saying things like, "You're not wearing that out, are you?" and "Take a sweater with you!"