Wintery weather means... (drum roll please, Raoul) ...time to break out the stockings. And so far, I've gotten loads of people commenting on how great they look. Happy days! Although this morning an old guy stared at them with mild puzzled horror as if he honestly believed my stockings were planning on single-leggedly take over the world.
Sometimes it's just fun to have quirky accessories. In addition to these little babies, I've also got red-back spider print stockings (which make everyone say "Ooh, you've got spiders on you!" like they're the first to say it) and some of the stripy black and white ones.
A girl can never have too many oddities, really, when it comes to accessories. And that is probably the most important fashion advice I have to impart at the moment. Apart from noting that it's never a good look to wear underwear over outerwear. It might look passable on superheroes, but it's never gonna work for a guy wandering around Newcastle with boxers over his jeans.
Also another bad Fashion; is wearing only an over Coat and a ribbion... Nobody should ever suggest that to anyone :P
From what I've heard, that comes highly recommended. But only as long as the ribbon's red, apparently.
Oh? Who would recomend that? what sorta of proof do they have that it works so well?
An I can't wear red; it makes me look ill.
A few friends and acquaintences (for one of them, her b/f proposed a few weeks after, so I guess you could say something worked).
Maybe you could go with green - use it as a call for peace and to save the forests!
Save the forest?!?! Where exactly do you think you are headed with that comment?
Orange and pink have links to sex, so maybe one of those colours would work for ya?
But red is a classic you just cant pass up.
You can take the forestry comments as you wish :) Personally, I think it's vital that Tasmania's old growth forests aren't all lost to logging.
Plus the abuse of forested land in Asia is shocking, even if it might provide cheap furniture or paper products for people in other countries.
Re: colour - what about white?
Fluro Orange and Pink are hot...
hmm... so your against deforestation... this is good to hear
I'm against unnecessary deforestation, although there are some areas I believe should be clear-felled.
What area's should be cleared? If Tassie and Asia shouldn't be... where should be?
Areas of high human traffic probably *lol*
So area's not seen or touched by man should be allowed to grow wild and free?
Well, why not - the joys of nature and all that.
So no need for roads; airstrips; or other logging needs in virgin territory?
I think they're important. How else is anyone going to get there otherwise?
on foot? :s
If you like hiking.
Hiking can be fun... out in the wild... getting caught up in nature.
Getting nature caught in your teeth..?
Ugh, nothing worse than when bugs fly into your mouth or something.
If it gets caught in your teeth used it as dental floss... with out the minty taste....
If your worried about bugs; keep your mouth closed.
Unless you're stranded in the wilderness and need to get protein of some variety. Crunchy bugs to the fore in that case *lol*
absolutly bring on the bugs! specailly the yummy ones with all that nice goodness in them
Suddenly I'm really, really happy (again) I'm vegetarian.
sorry, but where is the ribbon to be worn?
i had a horrid image of a man in a trench coat with a red ribbon tied lovingly around his...well...*thing*
*lol* Better than around a duck..?
I think that's not entirely the idea of where it's meant to be tied, think more of how you'd do it for your husband or something (if you were to do that).
LOL, I love those stockings! You should have more!
*lol* Thanks, Jimmy :) I was thinking of buying more on the weekend, actually, but didn't end up engaging in retail therapy.
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