1. Snow!
Spent about an hour and a half running around in knee-deep snow this morning, hurling myself into it occasionally, taking hundreds of photos, being the only people up there for almost all of the time, falling into drifts, trees coated in snow looking like they're from a Christmas card sceen, the feeling of taking a step and sinking deep into the snow, freezing fun.
2. Hot chocolate.
Put Milo in a thermos at 7.30 this morning and it's still steaming hot right now at 12.30. The perfect thing for after an hour and a half of brrrr. Put a bit too much Milo in for the amount of water, but chocolatey goodness. Hurrah.
3. My Anorak.co.uk anorak.
It's waterproof, lightweight, traps the warmth and you don't get overheated like with normal big bouffy jackets. Plus I won it in a caption competition years ago. Yay!
4. This cute little bird.
Right at the sumit, there was this little bird. Somehow managed to catch him mid-jump. He was shivering a lot and I think was hanging around hoping for food or something like that.
5. Fire.
A nice warm fire when I get home. Mmm... Although I found that I felt less flu-y when I was out in the freezing cold. Perhaps it was hypothermia.
note to self: move somewhere you can get to the snow.
nice pretty pics... but you can't have to much milo to water... though a 1 jar of milo to one cup of water ratio is really yummy
Snow nearby almost makes up for the uber-bushfire risks. Nearly. But it's nice to have it so close!
There is so definitely such a thing as too much Milo, though. Too strong and it just makes your tastebuds want to go on strike.
It'd be good if you guys came when there was snow *lol* But I'm afraid it can't be guaranteed.
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