Sunday, June 15, 2008

I stole this quiz concepty thing from someone's blog I was reading recently, mainly because I've not been feeling inspired for anything much lately and thought it'd be good to at least have some wordage... So here goes with the answers.

Ten things you wish you could say to 10 different people right now. Don't list any names.
1. I love you so much - you make me feel like my heart is breaking with happiness, mingled with the knowledge it'll never be anything more than what it is.
2. How about we do the formal introduction thing, then? ;)
3. Do you really think you're doing the right thing?
4. You're the most awesome family ever and I love you fit to burst!
5. It suits you so much to be the way you are now and it makes me so happy to see you comfortable in who you are.
6. Please wear pants more often.
7. I'm sorry.
8. Do you know how disgustingly cute you are?
9. Have you thought about reserving a plot for it yet?
10. Stop being such a dramaprince. I actually don't care at all.

Nine things about yourself.
1. Tacky TV amuses me a lot. Particularly Midsommer Murders, which was a show I strangely found I had a shared love of with the relatives in England. Bonding over John Nettles's hotness was amusing.
2. There's a lot of stuff I'd love to blog because it's hilarious but just can't.
3. I'm a vegetarian, but I love leather. Poor little dead animals.
4. Photography is one of my favourite things, moreso than writing these days.
5. When I was little, I was chased by a cow and ran about half a kilometre being chased by it and eventually hurdled a fence to escape. It was probably the sportiest thing I've ever done.
6. Comedy things tend to stick in my mind, Lord knows why.
7. Mornings don't suit me.
8. Found my skull and crossbones cardigan today!
9. I really hate reality TV.

Eight ways to win your heart.
1. Be amusing.
2. Be intelligent.
3. Be a lil' bit cheeky.
4. Let me know you fancy me.
5. But don't apply pressure about it.
6. Stimulate my brain - challenge, enlighten, enliven, etc.
7. Don't suddenly reveal a tattoo of John Howard.
8. Possibly have a hot British accent...

Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
1. Music. Music. Music.
2. Him. Oh, and him...
3. "Where's my camera? Gotta photograph that."
4. Things that amuse me.
5. Random things.
6. What to write.
7. Art.

Six things you wish you never did.
1. Said some unpleasant things to people undeserving of them. I'm sorry.
2. Taken up procrastinating.
3. ...
4. ...
5. ...
6. ...

Five turn-offs.
1. Rednecks.
2. Racism/sexism/discrimination in general. It's amazing how unsexy you can find someone when they send a mass forwarded email about how people who come to Australia should assimilate or sod off...
3. Mullets.
4. Narrow-minded people.
5. Alcoholics.

Four turn-ons.
1. Older men.
2. Intelligence.
3. A bit of a wild streak.
4. A great voice.

Three good and bad moments in your life you'll never forget.
1. Going to Germany and England. The best three weeks ever.
2. High School. All of the fun my friends and I had there, how much laughter there was, some absolutley amazing teachers, etc.
3. Buying my first house.

1. Deaths - grandparents, pets, other loved ones.
2. Oh, lots of stuff.
3. Buying my first house.

Two things you want to do before you die.
1. Go back to Germany and England.
2. Live to a ripe old age.

One confession.

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