I love this pic! Took it this afternoon after putting out some cat food, which is probably some sort of ecological disaster but the magpies, crows and other random birds have been eating it a little bit at a time (my dog used to eat cat food, I've only just managed to start throwing his stuff out. I'm a freak, I know).
It was so cute how the magpie was throwing the bits of food up in the air and then catching them in his beak. And I was quite surprised with the way in which he let me get so close to take photos. Usually magpies are little balls of needles, feathers and grumpiness at the best of times.
He reminds me of Peter! He was a wild magpie I met when I was little. He'd come and play with us. He'd tug on our socks and go for rides on our shoes. Sometimes he'd even play fetch.
I don't know what happened to him. He just dissappeared one day. I think maybe the neighbours cat ate him.
Aww, cool :) Magpies can be somewhat friendly at times. Shame he disappeared.
Maybe he ate the neighbour's cat and died of that instead..? ;)
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