Wednesday, April 11, 2007

...I may be some time...

H'okay, item 54...

So I mightn't be posting much on here for a while, who knows when regular ramblings from me will resume. And yes, I have an excuse for it all. A medical one at that!

For the past couple weeks, I've been pretty sick. Had days off work, lots of throwing up involved, fair amounts of pain (if childbirth is half as painful as some of the pain I've experienced, I ain't doing it), doctors appointments, etc. Saw a different doctor yesterday who's pretty sure it's a gall bladder thing.

Not a good thing, really, but I guess it's good to have some sort of resolution. Will be having tests and scans on Monday and then if the results are what's expected, surgery at some point in the future. No idea when.

It's all a bit scary, especially when the doctor talks to you about the importance of getting to hosptial ASAP if things get worse because otherwise I might die. Noice. The father of a friend's friend is currently in ICU due to complications from his gall bladder not being removed and screwing up his liver and pancreas.

Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts...



kris said...

OH DEAR! della! now i'm super worried about you. how are you holding up with the news?

Della said...

As opposed to how you're normally just worried about me? ;)

Ahh, just kiddin'. Umm, a little worried, but I'm trying not to get too stressed until I get test results back after doing them next week.

That'll dictate more of what will or won't happen. And hopefully it won't be too scary!

kris said...

of course i worry about you work for nathanl;) thats almost as bad as working for bruce manners (which i suspect i'll be doing shortly)

anyway...remember to keep breathing (thats for both of us) and not to fcuk too many boys might aggravate things (thats for you)

Della said...

Bruce is fun to work for - I'm sure you'll enjoy it :D

*lol* I'll keep breathing and avoid French Connection United Kingdom-ing people - the slogan's a little boring these days *lol*

Melody said...

I was just thinking of you last night and that we haven't had email conversations for a while!

Please take care and I hope you get well soon!

Della said...

*teehee* There, just sent you an e-mail or two!

But thanks, and I hope I'm well soon, too! It's no fun being really sick :(

Brandon said...

Get healthy! I don't like all this talk of sickness and death - it just doesn't suit your blog.

For your faithful blog readers everywhere, get well! :P

Della said...

I don't like sickness and death either, and agreed that it's not really a match for the blog (even if it's black...).

Doing my best to get well - had scans and tests yesterday and will know the results hopefully in the next couple days. Hopefully they're good! Or at least have some non-scary answers!