> "You can walk me plank anytime, wench!"
> "Let me bury me treasure in yer x spot..."
> "Which marks the spot - x or g? Yarrrr..."
> "Lovely treasure chests!"
> "Care to sit atop me crows nest?"
> "Me leg ain't the only thing that's wooden!"
> "They don't call me Long John Silver fer nothin'!"
> "Let me show ye Davey Jones' locker..."
> "Is that a dagger in yer pocket, or are ye just happy ter see me?"
> "I'll sail yer seven seas!"
> "Yer really float me boat."
> "Polly wanna smack 'er!" (accompanied by appropriate booty dance)
> "Yer can fire me cannon anytime, lass."
> "I'm sure there's treasure in yer pirate cave!"
> "Yer give me a tingle in me dubloons."
> "Want a jolly roger?"
> "Two full treasure chests make me a happy pirate!"
> "A cap'n always goes down fer his ship..."
> "Have ye ever heard a song called Friggin' in the Riggin'?"
> "Care to join me in the hold?"
> "Ye take port and I'll take starboard..."
> "I'll scuttle me vessel on yer rocks!"
> "Yer really hoist me main sail!"
And that's all we have so far... But feel free to add any more you can think of! We've also decided that there should be more random "Talk Like" days, starting with Talk Like Barry White Day, Talk Like The Sound of Music Day, Talk Like a Robot Day (mostly just about talking like Bender), Talk Like a Wigga Day, Talk Like Fiddy Cent Day, Talk Like a Telemarketer Day, etc, etc... The list is potentially endless!

ROFL! "A cap'n always goes down fer his ship..."
*falls over laughing*
i'm glad to know that time is not wasted when the boss is away;)
*lol* Glad you enjoyed them :)
And it only wasted about 20 minutes, surprisingly enough (when it comes to so many fantastic lines, obviously...).
The rest of the day involved slaving in the galley *sigh*
hmmm...maybe i should use a couple of these.... ;)
noooooooooooooooooo.... I forgot TLAP.Day!!!!!
Becky - you could translate them into Italian for us (and then use them on hot Italian piratey-looking men - mrewor!).
Clansi - relive it! Have a "Talk Like a Salty Dog the Week After Talk Like A Pirate Day" or something?
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