Thursday, September 06, 2007

When I feel down...

Non-disturbing thing of the day: Cadbury chocolate blocks at a sane price! Like the price they used to be around five years ago!


Disturbing thing of the day:
Hearing I Touch Myself by the Divinyls playing loudly in the supermarket while buying chocolate. Elderly person behind me at the registers humming along.



kris said...


Clansi said...

my two wishes of the day:

1. Wish I had the chocolate
2. Wish that song wasn't in my head now!

clare said...

even more disturbing thing: hearing I touch myself sung by Rolf Harris.

Della said...

Clansi - That's what other people who I told about it have said (about it getting stuck in their head). Must be a memorable song...

Clare - Hmmm, I guess so. But it was bad enough as it was with the humming along :-p

clare said...

really, have a look for it on youtube or something. Linley made me listen and seeing Billy Connely naked jumping around was far far far less distubing. something to do with the heavy breathing.

Della said...

That is a frightening thought... All of it.

In other thoughts, get on msn sometime!! Heh... Although I haven't been on lately. Still, should catch up sometime. And I have things to post you (Shaun of the Dead for a start).

Lippy said...

My first visit in a while, and I get a laugh :)

Why am I not here every day?!!

Della said...

Welcome back, Jimmy. Glad you got a laugh from it!

As for not being here every day, it's probably because then I'd have to write something - and something amusing or witty at that! - every day. Shocking! ;) :)