Monday, March 23, 2009

I haven't laughed so hard in ages.


Perseus said...

I put in a comment!

Della said...

I saw it :) Your comment was a lot more moderate than mine would have been!

Was saying to MaybeMelody that I was pretty sure you'd enjoy the article, though. I'm still wondering whether there's an angel of sex if there can be a demon of sex... Would make sense, surely?

Perseus said...

My comment was moderate because I was pretending to be a Christian.

I was tempted to add this line: "So is that the way your stupid church works: Do as we say or suffer Demonic Posession!"

My last shag was a desert farmgirl. So far, I haven't caught any demons urging me to harvest the land. A pity, really.

kris said...

i read the article and went "WTF!!!!"

i can't help but wonder how he can say married sex is/was God's design when there is so many examples of (women particularly) who use unmarried sex for the good of a nation/people/tribe. (Esther, Ruth, Tamar)

Unlike the stories of men who married multiple women, the stories about these women save families, save nations, and are told in a positive light.

Della said...

Perseus - "Do as we say or suffer demonic possession!" might make a nice greeting card. Shame about the lack of demonic urges to get into harvesting. But if you suddenly develop an innate knowledge of how to drive tractors, at least you'll know how that happened.

Kris - That's a good question. Presumably it's just men who will be possessed by the demon of whineyness if they have sex before marriage.

Another thing I wondered about was what happens if you get married and it still happens *le gasp* It really is an odd article.

Perseus said...

Kris - Tamar did dress as a hooker to do so. Is that cool?

kris said...

hey, she wasn't condemned for it...come to think of one said, 'shame on you, mr. man, for visiting a prostitute". ....interesting.

Perseus said...

Well, when he discovered Tamar was dressed like a hooker, he did set about to burn her alive. It was only upon discovering that she was pregnant with his child that he softened. The moral? Don't shag hookers unless they happen to be your daughter-in-law and you are prepared to get them pregnant.

Why don't you guys just give up on the Old Testament?

Let's not forget that ol Cranky Pants God murdered Tamar's two husbands before the hooker-scandal. One because he jizzed on the carpet, and the other, Er, because, umm, well, because he didn't like the cut of his jib.

And we're meant to worship this swine?

Della said...

Or some kind of moral about not running away from your obligations/duties, particularly if it leads right to your daughter-in-law in disguise, who will fortunately be decent enough to not publically shame you when it turns out you're the babydaddy?

I think a lot of people like to see some things that happen in the Old Testament as God being sadistic. Sometimes it was purely justice (even if it was in a harsh form) or about the "greater good." The story of Job, for example, has parallels with the suffering of Christ.

As for Tamar's husbands, it'd be interesting to know more about Er being "wicked," but the Hebrew writers were pretty stingy with words.

But if there is no God, then why worry about His morals? Do you get equally concerned by the more erratic morals of the Greek or Roman gods?

Perseus said...

Do you get equally concerned by the more erratic morals of the Greek or Roman gods?

Of course not, because it's mythology.

So is the Old Testament, but some people take it seriously and tink it is divine.

I'm not saying to burn the Old Testament. Hell no, I love it, and there is much to be studied and pondered and yes, we can even learn from it. But if you read it with the premise in your head the God Is Real, then it's a stupid, stupid book, and the lead character, God, who is meant to be the good guy that we worship, is the most morally vaccuous of the lot.

Seriously, Yahweh is a mongrel, not deserving of anyone's worship.

Poor Satan... all he ever did was tempt.