Tuesday, October 16, 2007

River deep, mountain high

Etiquette is sometimes a challenging thing.

This morning, a question of etiquette sprang to mind as I walked to work. Why, you ask? Well... It was because I saw something disturbing (which got my "Disturbing Thing Of The Day" out of the way nice and early I suppose until I heard some guys at the shop talking about threesomes and baldness).

What was this disturbing thing?

The hippie neighbour taking a leak in their front yard.

"Watering" the lawn.

Pointing percy at the petunias.

A spring shower for the delicate October blooms.

You get the idea. Obviously, the etiquette of the thing would be for him to NOT do that at all in the yard. Or use the back garden or something. Or the toilet inside. Or build a fence.

I didn't need to see that. Thank God I had dark sunglasses on, though. That helped to cover the stunned look and I could pretend I hadn't seen that at all.

The main question is, what's the etiquette when you see that? Look in the opposite direction? Stare? Cheerfully wave and say, "Good morning, hippie neighbour! Cold one, innit?!"? Scream? Point? Tell him it's taking watering restrictions to a ridiculous extreme?

Any ideas?


kris said...

no ideas. but i too would like an answer to this question as i too have been faced with this problem. (except it was in relation to my neighbour in his backyard and us without a fence at the time)

Della said...

Hmm, in the case of your neighbour, I think a super soaker would have worked well. Filled with warm water...