The wisdom teeth removal went pretty well and was apparently very straight-forward. Apart from one wisdom tooth having three roots. The surgeon told me afterward that it was "unusual." Nice.
I ended up having a general anaesthetic, which was a little bit of a change of plans from the sedation that was supposed to happen. The anaethetist was a somewhat surly old chap who seemed to think I was scared. I sat there thinking, "No. Not at all compared to how terrified I was for the removal of that tooth in the chair. This is a walk in the park. Not a park with Todd McKenny."
Recovery has been annoying. I want to eat normal food. Not jelly or custard or any of those boring sweet squishy things. Argh. So when it comes to eating normal things, it has to be done in a zen sort of fashion.
Other than that, there's painkiller things.
Which are relaxing. Although all the sleeping is a bit boring, too. But the weather suits it with the rain and coldness. And it's getting colder by the minute so I think it might be time to go find somewhere to hibernate.
I've got photos post-surgery, though. Let me just go find them...
^ Okay, it's not one of the bloody ones. Just me looking somewhat swollen and feeling like I've been punched up by Barry Hall.
On another note, it's somewhat odd to have people unexpectedly drop 'round to visit while you're in your jarmies and looking like Witchiepoo with bad hair. But kind of fun, too.
ahhh... soft foods :)
Glad to hear that you are on the mend.
I ate deb potato to get away from the sweet things. Deb potato mixed with vinegar. Deb potato mixed with cheese. Deb potato mixed with tomato sauce (I think).
I reckon they should make a side line to baby food "tooth removal recovery food". The jars are just too small for adult consumption!
Hmm, that's not a bad idea. And it would hopefully stop people suggesting you should put everything in a blender. Because after a while you just want to start with them.
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