Wednesday, February 04, 2009

I do not like being awake until 1.30am or so with my ankle being PAAAAAAAAINFUL. Particularly because I have to be up at 6.30am to get ready for work.

Last night/this morning, I slathered Deep Heat on it to try to make it better, and instead it just made it painful AND hot. Not to mention the smell of Deep Heat. It was like an old person was in my bedroom, hiding mothballs in various places.

Do not like :(


kris said...

did you find the old person in the morning? make sure you check under the bed and in the closet. They can be crafty when hiding:P

Della said...

No, it was suspiciously devoid of the elderly when I awoke.

Which is comforting, really.

Anonymous said...

It feels wrong to find the misfortunes of others funny but your post was so amusing that I had to giggle to myself.

clare said...

try voltaran instyead of deep heat. it smells and feels better.
Hope you get some sleep and feel better soon.

Della said...

Lee - Glad it amused you :-p

Clare - Used that. It actually made it worse the night before, when I got to sleep around 3am due to sheer exhaustion. Unfun.