It's late.
I'm sitting in the lounge room with a mug of peppermint tea listening to a random selection of music and staring at the orgy of clothes spilling out of the two suitcases in the middle of the room. Yes, still living out of suitcases, even though I'm home. The fires around here are only contained, not yet controlled, so it perhaps pays to be ready to leave at any time.
However, in spite of all of that, I've started trying to clean the house. And I mean a thorough, serious, uberclean. While ransacking the house for things that I seriously wanted out of here and knew could absolutely not be replaced when the fires were really a worry made me realise how unimportant much of my stuff was and how the house was cluttered with a lot of junk I didn't need.
Therefore, the Salvos or St Vinnies can have it!
And that's what I started on today. At least just in my bedroom. Which is why the sofa is now buried under a mountain of "yes or no" decision items to deal with tomorrow. Horror of horrors, I flung all of the shoes from the shoecase into a drawer in the red cedar chest of drawers. So there's no more shoecase. It's back to its original purpose of holding books.
Dusted, swept and cleaned like a maniac as well as sorting through everything. Found a whole lot of poetry I'd written at the insistence of Nym a few years ago and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. But I'm not a poet (he tried to encourage me to do more poetry again recently, to which my reply was, "Roses are red, my heart is black, if *home town* burns, I'm not going back"). Also got annoyed at myself for buying so many pointless magazines. I could have bought a small African nation by now instead.
I mean, French
Vogue? I barely read French.
The spare room is to be tackled tomorrow. There's another challenge... Ugh. I need to work out what to do with the Glassschrank, which is a monstrous item of furniture and about as practical as the Pope's testicles. If anyone wants it and has a small army of people they can employ to carry it up Teh Driveway of DEATH (TM), then they're welcome to it.
Tonight's other additional moment of strange has involved contact from someone I went on a couple of dates with when I was about 21 or so. He's oddly parental, which is the biggest reason why it ended with a couple of dates and never progressed any further. Still, he's sweet and it's nice to still be on friendly terms. There were some things I found (and threw out) from when I was seeing the guy I dated for the longest today and realised that because of all the drama, there's a good reason we never stayed in contact. My God, the drama. It was all ridiculous.
Really should sleep so I'm able to tackle all this joyful cleaning in the morning. What fun that shall be! Oh hurrah.