Thursday, April 27, 2006

"O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on." - Willian Shakespeare

Jealousy kind of scares me. It's something I kind of really don't get into ~ it's not worth it, because, as I read somewhere once, it means that you die a thousand little deaths every time you consider those you are jealous/envious of. Maybe it's just because life's kinda given me things that I'm content with or something. Who knows.

But in others? I find it puzzling sometimes and scary other times.

I'll never understand why people are jealous of their partners having friends of the opposite sex. It's like they're almost telling you that they're suspecting that you'd have an affair at the drop of a hat. Or people who get jealous of what others own. Hey, save up your own money and budget and whatnot and buy your own if you have that desperate a need. Or people who are jealous of the achievements of others ~ everyone's good at different things, so why worry if you're not as good at one thing as someone else is? :)

Jealousy is silly. It wastes time and hurts people ~ those who are jealous and those who others are jealous of or whatever.

The Bible tells a story about jealousy in 1 Kings 21, where a guy called Naboth owned a vineyard that the king at the time really wanted. So the king's wife came up with a plan so that Naboth would be killed and they could take the vineyard. Naboth's bumped off, they take the vineyard and God sends Elijah to tell them off for it. King Ahab does humble himself before God after he's told off, but he's already had someone killed... All because he was jealous of what Naboth owned.

Suggestions instead of getting jealous? Think about the good stuff in life that you have. Don't focus on what other people are doing because otherwise your own life just ends up rushing past you and you miss out on all the fun that you thought they were having yourself...


Brandon said...

So true! That's one thing I appreciate so much about Michelle - she is not jealous of my friendships with other females. It's very encouraging ;)

I've noticed that being jealous of posessions is not so hot because even if you do manange to get it sometime, it's not nearly as "good" as you hoped.

Maybe you should preach sermons Della?

Della said...

That's really cool :) Although Michelle seems like a really cool person anyways (even though I'm saying that from like how many thousand kilometers away? *lol*)!

Actually, I think you're right about the posessions thing. Maybe it's because people build up how absolutely awesome it would be to own X in their mind and when they get it, it's not that wildly fabulous.

Hmm... that would involve public speaking ;) *lol*