> It instantly made me think of that old saying, "Does a bear s**t in the woods?" The answer would have to be, "You'd think so, but he'd probably be a bit wary of German toilet paper, which resembles sandpaper in terms of texture and isn't the sort of invigoration everyone appreciates."
> The British outdoor-reared sausage. I don't know why but I immediately thought of sausages roaming freely across the fields accompanied by "Borrrrrrrrrrrn freeeeeeee!!" all shot in slow motion. But then again, I probably have had too much of The Goodies.
> The ice-cream in the middle of the bottom row's name says it all.
LOL! i say the "outdoor" reared part of that and wondered how many times the cattle were reared indoor?...are cattle like part of the family? you keep two cows in your bedroom and three in the living room?
They're just like pets *misty-eyed moment* Either that or you use them as mobile furniture.
Actually, there is a fair bit of keeping animals in stables in Europe, but apparently that's mostly in Winter when it's cold enough for their udders to snap-freeze off.
ouch! that just sounds too cold!
And most uncomfortable *lol*
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