After all that depressing business with the water heater stuff, something more cheerful is needed. Apart from pole dancing in supermarkets. So I'm putting up some pix of the new shoes I bought on Friday. They're just cheapie ones, but I loves 'em.
Especially the sparkly star on the purple suede ones. Just got to remember not to get this suede pair wet. Had some others last year and they went in a puddle. Since then, they've just looked sort of sad... But they're disgustingly comfortable, so they get to stay.
This officially takes the number of shoes I own to 69.
Good gracious! Rather a few too many pairs, in some respects. Maybe it's time to make the local St Vinnies happy with donations of many shoes again.
This may be a bit of an understatement, but you DEFINITELY have a show fetish ;)
*lol* I'd be tempted to say obsession more than fetish. But it is getting a bit crazy to own that many, so I really do have to cull some.
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