Tuesday, May 06, 2008

And they say romance is dead...

Maybe it is ;)

(The photo's from the site you need to click on "dead" to view, by the way - I've not suddenly gotten all Ready, Steady, Cook and whipped it up in my lunch break.)


kris said...

yep, i'm grossed out.

Della said...

I'm surprised!

Anonymous said...

I've always wondered why the heart is used as the symbol for love. And where did they get the shape for the love heart anyway?

The site says there should be a ring inside. Would this be an appropriate way to propose?

Della said...

It'd definitely be one way of saying "You have my heart" or something along those lines, I suppose.

Not sure as to why there's a stylised heart shape to represent love. Perhaps it's how it was thought to be shaped back in the days when they weren't into opening up bodies to examine the internal workings or something. Or someone just thought it looked nice and that a long time in the future, Hallmark would appreciate its creation...

clare said...

I think its because the heart is life. It's how we live, and giving a heart is saying i live for you or i would give my life for you.

Della said...

Which I guess is sort of the essence of love or something along those lines...

clare said...

Well if you didn't love them there is no real reason to die for them, unless you are showing off for someone else i guess.