^ Blueberry and apple pie.
A sensible lunch, if only for the fact that the filling was practically flourescent violet. Which unfortunately didn't show up all that well in the photo, but you get the idea.
On a wholly different train of thought, this was on Overheard Everywhere the other day. Does that mean that, by this "logic" and using the six degrees of separation thing, you could have shagged Johnny Depp? My officemate was disturbed by that observation.
Poor boy.
Yay for shagging johnny Depp!... My desk has things on it at the moment; but I am sure it could be cleared if the situation arose
But it'd only be spiritually...
And best not to mention it to any partner regardless ;)
rats, well there goes the sleeping around Idea, though I wonder how many people you have to sleep with before you've pretty much slept with everyone?
That's where the six degrees of separation thing comes in...
can't be right though, cause if I cut myself off the list an sleep with one person only, an he cuts himself out too... it would be much much harder
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