^ Ruby red grapefruit juice. It's so yummy!
^ Also delicious are the vitamin water things. Which are about as vitamin-a-licious as slapping yourself with a herring, I'd say. But they're so tasty. Sort of like a nicer version of cordial.
^ Jelly sticks! I LOVE these. They're seaweed jelly with various fruit flavours/juices. Apparently they're "best" when frozen but that was something I never want to repeat again. Squishy goodness is best for these.
^ Milkacow! Bought at the Hamburg airport while waiting for the flight to London. Not only is it purple, but it contained blocks of Milka chocolate. Mmm...
^ Charles Worthington Dream Hair products. Shiny goodness.
^ For some odd reason, I really love Listerine. Although it's taken me ages to work up from the "mild tasting" ones to the proper ones that make you feel like someone's punching things inside your mouth. It's masochistic niceness. And good for the teeth.
^ While cleaning the spare room, I found my old pair of jeans! YAY! I love them. They're rather comfy and perfect for slothing around the house. And they're slightly flared, even if the legs are kind of skinny. Straight-leg skinny jeans make me feel violent. Especially when I picked up a copy of Shop Till You Drop recently in which people were extolling the "virtues" of skinny, straight jeans. I HATE YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH. *ahem* That's better.
^ New cute shoes.
^ Creepy slime. Childhood memories and whatnot. When I was young, we had a school excursion to the Investigator Science Centre and I picked up some green creepy slime there. It was great! Until the container it was in broke and oozed (and dried) all over some things in my school bag. Oops. When I saw this in Spotlight, I had to get it.
^ Paints. Love 'em. Must paint more.
^ Peacock feathers are my favourite sort of feathers. These were ones I got in Hahndorf while on another school excursion. There were more feathers (as well as objections from people on the school bus who freaked out about the feathers being inside and that they had the "evil eye" or some crap), but they're back on the farm. Possibly.
And on that note about superstition things, I must remember to watch the thing with Richard Dawkins (I think it's Enemies of Reason) tonight on Compass. Looks like it should be interesting.
Update: Okay, it seems perhaps a little odd for a Christian to watch Dawkins and find him fascinating, but Enemies of Reason was quite interesting. He seems like rather a grumpy man in general somehow but the viewing was compelling. The bit that made me giggle somewhat was when he was visiting the new age fair. Psychich about Dawkin's granny: "I get the feeling she had a lot of cats." Dawkins: "She never had a cat. She hated cats as a matter of fact."
Anyway. "The world is wonderful. There's real poetry in the real world. Science is the poetry of reality. And yet today, science is under attack..." was an interesting point. It is disappointing how there seems to be a general move away from scientific exploration/interest in the general community. I loved science subjects at school. But perhaps it's because they offered the opportunity to burn things, explode things or cut things up (our heart and lung set had cancer!).
The conspiracy theories Dawkins mentioned were also things that you think that anyone who would be willing to engage in thought about them could spend an extra few minutes doing some reasearch about. But I think I'm just annoyed due to getting forwards from people that contain warnings about this, that or the other relating to whatever conspiracy they feel like sending on from a friend who sent it to them after they received it from another friend who had a friend who saw it somewhere else by some guy who knew something about... bleh.
Perhaps the lack of motivation for research is more to do with people being somewhat lazy, as well as the effect of post-modernism (thought it was interesting how he stuck the boot in to post-modern relativism).
I'm looking forward to the second part of the series next week, especially as it looks at the health side of things. There's a wellbeing centre in the area and it has excellent products (comfrey and arnica and so on) as well as the stuff that I feel skeptical about - crystal healing, etc. Plus I don't want to talk about auras or whatever while listening to "alternative" instrumental music that sounds like a camel falling down an elevator shaft onto some drums, a collection of string instruments and something pointy.
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