^ New boots from the other week. And look, there's the dogsitting dog in the background. Ain't she a cutie.
I've now got three pairs of black knee-high leather boots. It seems that every Winter, another pair gets bought. The oldest pair is sitting in the corner in my room, slumped over and in need of heel repairs. The ones from last year are in better condition and I love the red leather that runs around the inside of the top of the boot.
My excuse for the new pair was that I recently donated an older pair of boots (in perfect condition) to charity so there's room. But there's not really. The other extra pairs of shoes bought recently are also crowding the shoecase and areas under other bedroom furniture.
Obsession? Yes, I think it must be.
The redemption will be donating more of the shoes to charity, along with the loads of clothes I've discovered I no longer want while working on this Autumn clean. The way I see it is that only things that are in good quality will be donated and if someone can make better use of it than I can, well and good.
But I'm never giving away any of my books.
*shakes fist*
There are so many of them now that both bookshelves are stuffed to capacity and I've taken to stacking the books on the floor. I just tell myself that I have nowhere near as many books as my parents do, though, with their triple-stack deep bookshelves on the walls in their office.
If ever I have that many, though, I shan't fit into my tiny house.
In other thoughts, I heard the worst rendition of Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor BWV 565 this morning on a CD I purchased yesterday. It was played with the timing and talent of a mentally handicapped chimp on Ritalin. Thankfully, the rest of the CD is excellent. But the Toccata? It was such a disappointment.
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