Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I meant to write about it last night and forgot, but yesterday afforded me with many moments of amusement. Some of the "highlights" included:

> Walking to work. Which doesn't sound like that much fun, except that while walking to work, I espied an elderly lady who must have been at least 85 wandering along clutching a Supre bag. Oh, and walking past a house that was absolutely blasting polka music. Loud polka music is amusing at any time of the day, even more so early in the morning.

> In the chocolate aisle at the supermarket, there were some boganesque-looking guys (with beanies!) standing in front of the chocolates singing along to that song Cruisin' that Gwyneth Paltrow sang in some movie. They sang quite nicely, actually.

> The waxing conversation.


neoinileias said...

you have nice blog...

clare said...

the waxing conversation... sounds like a psycological thriller.

Clansi said...

or just one that never ended...

Della said...

neoinileias - thanks :)

Clare - a movie could be made of it. Mostly it was trying to get the waxing story out of the officemate.

Sugarpuff - waxing, waning, waxing, waning... Or should that be wax on, wax off? Hmm.