Saturday, May 31, 2008


While cooking this afternoon, I realised how many things can look rather grotesque, whether it's just due to there being left-over juice or you've found a potato that was hiding behind things in the cupboard (the potato has since been planted outside, where it can feel free to grow its little hairy feelers).

The following pix are from today (they are, in order: eggs and cream for a quiche, cherry juice, a cherry, the aforementioned potato and a bit of a Snickers bar):

Just hope the people coming over for dinner tonight don't look at my blog before they arrive or they may be put off entirely...


Brandon said...

Amazing! You wouldn't want to see some of the things that leave our fridge...

Della said...

Oh, I think I've experienced some of those sort of things... The ones that somehow get lost up the back of the 'fridge and emerge later in a hairy/smooshy/solidified/deeply frightening state?

Yeah... Nasty! *lol*