Monday, December 26, 2005

New Years Revolutions

Been thinking about the New Year and all of that stuff. Have decided to make some resolutions and REALLY stick to them.

# Lose weight. Exercise into oblivion stick-thinness... no, not really, I don't want to be a twig. I just need to lose weight or I'll die of a heart attack at an early age.

# Eat more healthy foods.

# Learn some new things. Or revisit some old learning. It'll either be belly dancing lessons that they have locally or getting back into my Spanish and German.

# Renovate the house and gardens.

# Do more art. Buy some canvases and stuff and really make an effort to return to doing art regularly. That sort of thing.

# Finish my license!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

# Pay off the house as quickly as possible.

# Work really hard at work. Not that I don't already, but next year is going to be really busy I think, and I'll need to prioritise and so on.

# Save up for holidays overseas. I owe some people a visit.

And that's about it at the moment, I think. Hopefully 2006 will be a totally amazing year and that it's not going to end up being deeply odd or something like that *lol* Or at least not so deeply odd that I find it deeply odd... hmm!


Brandon said...

I'm going to cheat and copy some of yours I think... They are just too good to pass up ;)

Della said...

*lol* Well, good luck with the belly dancing ;)