Thursday, June 08, 2006

"Hey, it's the old alma mater!"

Daria quotes aside, I've been thinking for about six months or so now about sponsoring an award or scholarship thing at my old High School. So this morning I bit the bullet and wrote an e-mail to my old English teacher and Year 12 coordinator about that very matter. I guess we'll see what comes of it. Maybe it won't be possible at this point in time. Or it might require an insane amount of money or something like that.

But I'd really like to be able to put something back into my high school. I had an absolutely fantastic time there (gotta love crazy fun friends, great teachers and general enjoyable mischievousness :) plus I really appreciated the academic encouragement there (well, subject awards and scholarships are nice even if homework's not always that thrilling!).

Yeah, sure, there were subject awards and whatnot through uni, and that was a fun place, but my HS I guess has even more fun memories (ahhh, BTES, what would have HS been like without thy glorious amusement?!). And there's always that affection for the old home area, family traditions, etc. Plus it'd be good to be able to encourage others with academic persuits.

We shall see what shall be seen.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you are a fan of High school, even just school in general. An don't give me subject awards or any of that crap; at my school you only got it if you were doing the teacher... ok so you didn't have to go that far; I was one of the best in some of my classes and I got nadda, zipp. Infact most teachers didn't want me doing well in Maths I finally got put up when I misbehaved in class; in english I was put in the brain dead class (now look at me I am a published authour with many books on the shelf) I would burn my school to the ground except my mum works in the office and would dob.

Della said...

*lol* Karina, you nutter ;)