Tuesday, June 06, 2006

It's my friend Danny's birthday today, so a massive HAPPY BIRTHDAY and chocolatey luv 'n kisses to him of course!

He's turning 36 today. On the 6th of the 6th '06. And of course, 36 is 6 times 6. So yes... Danny, is there something you're not telling us about yourself and the whole thing associated with that number? ;) Happy birthday anyways :)

Oh, and that "bounce around your desktop" thing with the pic... no idea why that's there, but it's the only picture of a birthday cake I could find at the moment that didn't look totally demented/scary/vaguely obscene (Clare, the cake tins you've been checking out spring to mind...!). But feel free to bounce on your desktop anyways.

Yay birthdays :)

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