Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I'm afraid he's going to be a vegetable... possibly a brussel sprout...

Okies, I'm an organic fruit and vege lover, although I'm not really that fussed if I can't get my hands on it (it's like a treat when I can, I guess), so this article kinda pricked my interest:

A growing concern by Steve Dow.

I was surprised to see that Safeway/Woolworths and Coles sell up to half of the $A300 million worth of organic produce sold each year in Australia. I guess that's because my experience with organic produce from supermarkets hasn't been good. So it was with cries of inarticulate joy that I fell (well, not fell, but you know what I mean) upon the fantastic selection of organic fruit and vege at the local deli (favourite shop in the whole town).

I guess I was also surprised by the article's comment that the organic produce is often many times the price of non-organic produce, seeing as the things at the deli here are really reasonably priced, often costing less than the same thing from the supermarket. But maybe that's just sheer good luck :)

Organic produce almost always tastes better, though. Plus it tends to be more truly representative of what you'd call being "seasonal," unlike at supermarkets where you get pretty much everything the whole year 'round and can never be sure when it's been picked or what processes it's gone through to be in such a state of shiny-looking "perfection."

Perhaps it's all because organic fruit and vege tends to be more like the end result of the things you grow at home yourself - loads of flavour, lots of variety in how things turn out (well, how many rude-shaped raddishes have you seen in the supermarket lately?), you know that it hasn't been blasted into submission with pesticides, and yeah, that whole taste factor.

Maybe it's time to put in a garden...


Anonymous said...


Della said...


I can just imagine you shouting that actually...