Monday, November 07, 2005

Superman to the rescue!

*teehee* I'm glad that I didn't go to the singles thing on Saturday - it sounded like it was scary! Larie rang me about an hour and a bit into it and asked if she could use me as an excuse to escape, which I said was cool.

Apparently the people were all over 40 (which is a bit out of our age range unless the idea of a sugar daddy suddenly truly appeals...), and spent the time gossiping about who was single, who wasn't, blah blah blah, and were the desperate-to-get-hitched types (but obviously not desperate to get hitched to each other types, seeing as they are all still single).

'Twas most ironic to have been invited to that thing with my editorial coming out on the same day, though. Ha ha ha! *blithe, ironic laugh* Perhaps it would have been interesting to attend, so that a Truman Capote-style write-up could have followed, but then there might have been no escape... o.0 Eep!

Admittedly, the majority of the guys I've dated have been in the "older" (than me, at least *lol*) category - typically around 7 to 10 years my senior. But over 40 is just a place that I'm not willing to go until I'm approaching being 40! The maximum age that I'd date currently would probably be 35 or 36, but even then there are just way too many "cultural" differences (grew up with different things, etc). It'd have to be someone I had a lot in common with otherwise, really, with that kind of age.

In other news, Julie sent me a sticker today that says "YES, THEY'RE REAL" in huge white letters on a red background! The sticker follows the thing at my Nanna's funeral where a guy spent a five-minute conversation with me talking to my chest.


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