Monday, November 14, 2005

We have been expecting you, Mr Bond...

Mmm, I'd forgotten how much I enjoy reading Ian Fleming's James Bond books. Yesterday I grabbed my copy of Casino Royale and stuffed it into my handbag to read on a car trip, but I never ended up reading it.

Instead, I've just spent a very enjoyable lunch-time today curled up behind the desk leisurely reading the first few chapters of the book and reveling in just how well Fleming writes. There's a glorious simplicity to his style that wraps you up and puts you into his novels, and I think it adds to the character of Bond.

Plus I enjoy the appreciation expressed for the finer things in life, such as well-tailored clothing (including Dior work), excellent food and wines, cars and other such things. Creature comforts, luxuries, indulgences that make up for ruthlessness and coldness.

Oh to be outside on such a nice day as this, lying on a blanket and reading quietly in the sun.

In other thoughts, the Second Test starts on Thursday! Hurrah!

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