Monday, February 06, 2006

Conversation between a friend and I... He's in Italics.

About conscience ... inspired by a comment at church that our conscience is instinctively right..... ... what's your take on that?
like, no way! We're sinful people in a sinful world - if you listen to the Holy Spirit, then yes, but you can't assume all conscience is correct.... something along those lines
true, you can't just say everything that you "feel" is right IS right
spot on(and somewhat hedonistic)
I'm kind of sick of this touchy-feely religion that takes EVERYTHING feeling-oriented over head-knowledge of the Bible and so on
Hedonistic christianity? Or should I say hedonistic moralism?
hmmm, both
....christianity suffers shocking PR.....
it does

... Blah blah...

MUST think more about this. It's true. Getting really tired of people not looking more at Christianity from a perspective that doesn't involve Hillsong-style, touchy-feely, who needs theological debate sides. And no, I don't mean a return to the Spanish Inquisitions, Dark Ages rubbish!

Need sleep, will think later.


Odysseus Snelling said...

There's that and the other side "FUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIANITY", although churches like Hills tend to be fundamentalist (which is something that I find it hard to get my head around, but that's another story).
So on one side we've got the touchy-feely Christians and on the other George W./John Howard fundamentalist "Christians" (I'm not entirely convinced about them, I think they're in it for the votes). So all round Christians are getting a pretty bad rap (and not just with Muslims).
I concure I'm getting pretty tired of both sides!

Della said...

Fundamentalists and touchy-feelies are both kind of nuts in their own special ways *lol* Both sides are tiring ~ who wants to constantly be told about everything not being good enough or about everything just being groovy man and let's hug because I feel the spirit movin' here tonight..?

It'd be nice to see more liberal, moderate, deeply-thinking, rational yet passionate Christians represented in the mainstream media. I mean, most Christians you meet are pretty normal... And that's most, not all *lol*

Odysseus Snelling said...

Amen sister.
Yeah I agree about the most part. Unfortunatly most is represented to the world by the few.

Della said...

Strange how the minority voice somehow becomes the majority voice for the media... I guess it sells well. I mean, who wants to hear people saying, "Actually, we should get along with each other because Jesus tells us to love one another. Killing people is wrong!"

Hmm! :-p

Odysseus Snelling said...

Kill the infidel definatly makes for better TV. Just look at the success of Television violence and shows like CSI, humans seem to want to see things die.
I think Dracula had it right, you don't kill them, just turn them into one of your legion of the un-dead. :p

Della said...

Or at least see things after they're dead.

Which takes care of both the CSI AND the Dracula thing... clever!