Saturday, February 04, 2006

VERY odd dreams last night.

The only one that really stands out was being in a vineyard, dressed in a wedding dress and clutching a samaurai sword.

I was running through the vineyards, looking for someone I was really obviously going to give an ass-whipping, or had given an ass-whipping or something.

Not finding them, I climbed up onto the trellises the vines were on and held onto tendrils to balance myself. Didn't spot them, so I got down and looked down at the dress, which had changed into jeans and my white Summery top, both of which were really dirty.

Somehow I then found the person I'd been looking for or whatever, and they'd been killed already.

Hmm! And no, I haven't watched Kill Bill for months! *lol*

And my friend Metty, the non-dream-non-interpretation-non-guru said of the dream, "Hmmm, looks to me like the dream can not wanting a marriage and will slay anyone wanting to marry..or something, hence the sword. and the summery top and jeans..means you prefer being..yourself..i guess."



Anonymous said...

Who/what was this person and why did you want to whup on/kill them? Did you see a golden egg anywhere? Large Louie

Della said...

I have no idea who or what the person was that I wanted to attack... it was just some sort of thing of knowing that I had to, but not anything about why.

*lol* No, no golden eggs. Or geese, either!

Anonymous said...

Figure out who that person is and you'll be on to something. Clues: It is about you or some aspect in your life, if you want to figure out who/what the person represents think about it right before you go to sleep and sometimes your unconscious will provide an answer or at least more material about it. LL

Della said...

Hmm, thanks for the tips :)

I think Metty is kind of right in a way, though. Makes sense to me being someone who loves freedom and finds the idea of marriage somewhat freaky! *lol*