Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day.

The day for romance, luuuuuuuuuuuuurve, spending way too much, getting paper cuts from all of the cards and all of that sort of stuff. Or for sulking, if you're that way inclined, because you're alone. Or just enjoying it like any other day, regardless of single or taken status.

Ohhh yeah, Barry White is in the house, ladies! Ohhh feel that fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine lurrrrrrrrrvin'.... mmmmhmmm... you know you wanna... mmmmmhmmmm...


Ermm... Valentine's Day on this end? One of my friends told me last night that he's getting divorced. Another friend is still in the middle of a rather traumatic kind of breakup. Two other friends who were dating each other are now in Splitsville. But hey, I guess all relationships come to an end...

Other friends are getting married soon, doing the couple thing, being single, etc, all with varying degrees of happiness.

Me? Well... the computer at work is being a son of a female dog... but other than that, I'm happy enough. I mean, my legs haven't fallen off, I haven't been abducted and probed by aliens and there's a heck of a mess to go home to with the garden *lol* Wait, I don't sound happy! I am actually :) I still like being single.

Maybe that'll change one day ~ who knows.

Methinks Valentine's Day should really just be about sharing the love with everyone. Oi, no, get your pants back on! NOT THAT KINDA LOVE! But yes, it's a good time for letting people know that we think they're fantastic, in a platonic way. Or non-platonic. Hey, take the opportunity to tell someone you think they're hot stuff :-D But yeah, tell people you care about them :) Because people, in spite of all the problems, are still amazing creations :)

Song of the Day: I Was Made For Loving You Baby by KISS. It makes me laugh *teehee!*

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