Thursday, February 02, 2006


What I find awfully clever about our Prime Minister and the rest of the government is that they "KNEW" that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, Saddam Hussein was giving Osama bin Laden full-body massages, wads of cash and support for his terrorist network, that Iraq was oh-so-very-obviously a terrible, awful, scary big danger to the democracy of the Western world (ermm... maybe there were some issues in the original Gulf War, but oh puh-lease!), etc.


They know NOTHING about the Australian Wheat Board (AWB) paying bribes to the Hussein government (or BHP doing some dodgy dealings with said government, incidentally, which was also reported last night). Years and years and years of cash kickbacks, government involvement, memos to government ministers, government involvement in the AWB, Australian diplomats in the US trying to bribe people to cover up what the AWB were doing and so on ad infinitum!

Amazing how they can know things that aren't at all true or are far more aligned with fiction than reality while TOTALLY IGNORING THE THINGS THAT ARE REALLY HAPPENING!!! *ahem* Well, not ignoring them, but pretending that he knew absolutely nothing about them.

Maybe he just meant AWB instead of WMD, you never know. I mean, the letters could look somewhat similar when you look at them, squinting, from 50 paces, in the dark through seven pairs of dark glasses.

I am so very, very, VERY sick of our Prime Minister being such a lying, grubby, horrible little slug of a man that I simply cannot wait for the Federal election in 2007 when I am hoping that the rest of Australia's population will also be sick of Honest Johnny's lies (Just for a start, Tampa, anyone? Children overboard? WMD? AWB?). If John Howard wants to talk about how Australia needs to be a more polite society, perhaps he should start by doing the polite things of appologising for mistakes, owning up when said mistakes are made and not lying.


kris said...

AMEN! careful with with you write, adele. It was not long ago that a blogger's blog was pulled off the net because a government didn't like what he had to say.....[insert creepy music followed by scream of terror]

Della said...

*lol* I have a friend who works for the government who I talked about this WMD/AWB thing and he didn't think there'd be issues, but yes, you never know what can happen! o.0

Btw, what country was it in where the blogger's blog was pulled?

Della said...

(and doesn't pulling a blog say "We love democracy and people thinking!" to you..?) *lol*

kris said...

the guy was in the usa (i think) but the blog was pulled in china because of his "radical" language.

Della said...


I'm assuming that's not "radical" in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle kind of way! o.0

kris said...

lol! i suspect he was actually saying things that were supposed to be taken seriously...and by the very fact his blog got pulled....i suspect that he was being listened least by the chinese government:)