Saturday, February 11, 2006

We had a training thing yesterday at work.

It was surprisingly less boring than I'd thought it would be, but then the guy who presented it was also fantastic eye-candy *lol* (and no, he had a partner and kids, so let's not go there *lol*). It was weird, though, because he looked quite a lot like a taller version of a friend's boyfriend :)

Sooooo exhausted after last week that I slept until 12 today. Yikes!

Just finished watching Iron Chef, which was cool. They had a noodle battle today, which should give me ideas for using up the varieties of noodles I have in the cupboard *lol* I think there's udon, flat rice noodles, Singapore noodles, rice vermicelli and that's about it... hmm!

Can never have too many? :-p

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

although the noodle battle is over, the fussili war has just begun