Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Wouldn't it be nice...

Cadbury sees red over use of colour purple, Sydney Morning Herald, July 18.

Who would think that the colour purple would lead to an appeal being lodged against a Federal Court ruling. Yes, trade marks, intellectual property and whatnot are important, but aren't colours a little hard to manage?

I love it how on the Cadbury website, it says "...and the colour purple are Cadbury Group trade marks in Australia..."

The entire colour purple? The whole spectrum? Absolutely everything from lilac to puce?

Surely they have a shade of purple registered... What if the shade of purple someone uses is just a little different to the one registered at the Trade Marks Office? Is it a case of near enough is definitely not good enough? What happens if you're wearing a purple shirt? Will you be sued for attempting to impersonate a chocolate bar? The mind boggles...

But it makes me laugh. And chocolate and laughs combined are a good thing :)


Kel said...

that is insane!

another reason to choose Lindt!

or, if you get to Big W they stock a range of NZ choc called Whittakers - their white macadamia is yummy, especially in winter, and that's saying something from a gal that loves dark chocolate

Della said...

Hurrah for Lindt and Whittakers!

And I agree about the Whittakers chocolate. Very tasty!