Thursday, October 26, 2006

Let's go dancing on the backs of the bruised

My Fake French Love Doctor schtick about romantic songs got me actually thinking more about the whole romance song thing, particularly after the Forum thoughts (even the FFLD is entirely satirical).

Plain and simple: I don't like pop romance songs.

This doesn't mean I don't appreciate songs about love - you don't get much better than opera for songs about love, passion and loss. If I want something that explores or expresses love, that's more of the kind of thing that I'll search out and listen to.

I just do not have time for $2 no-thought pop pap parading as romance. Love, to me, is not expressed by the Backstreet Boys clutching their shirts and falling to their knees in the rain, attempting to look soulful. That's the sort of thing that makes me gag.

It's mass-produced, souless, just a marketing thing rather than something that comes from deep down from someone's heart, written by some old dudes who sit around in offices wanting to tug at the bank accounts of teenagers, rather than their heart-strings. Get some moderately good-looking, non-threatening guys to croon it and voila, you've got a hit.

Okies, going off into music snobbery there. Not to say I don't mind some pop music, but mostly avoid it, because yes, it annoys me. But then most music I consider to be inane annoys me. If others like the pop romance, more power to 'em. But I'm not about to start.

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