Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Today was the day for rejoicing!

I bought a whipper snipper. Yay! So I can run around the yard and garden and trim the hell out of the lawn... It's quite fun, altho I'd never used one before. My parents, who are visiting, are kinda worried about my "attitude" towards the whipper snipper, tho *lol*

Perhaps it's because I was running around, laughing maniacally while using it ;) But it'll be a challenge.

Technical things and I generally don't mix ~ I'm good at breaking things, at least, but that's about it. Almost broke the whipper snipper when I first used it *lol!* Ah well :)

We'll see how things go over the coming months with it and whether I manage to cut through anything vital with it (power cords, limbs, arteries...).

Still have heaps of stuff to do. Arghh! So much money being spent... but it's all good. My next mission is to find a sofa bed or a futon. And then find a way to get it home...

Nothing like a challenge!


Brandon said...

HAHAHA, I can picture you dashing about the yard thrusting your snipper at random weeds yelling "DIE DIE!" with glee :D

So are you going to turn your yard into a piece of art with your new toy?

Della said...

*lol* Exactly! And somehow that's irresponsible!? *lol* ;)

Not sure what to do with the yard yet. Maybe get a flamethrower for the rainy season and really get it back to basics!