Wednesday, March 22, 2006


The question that has plagued women for centuries and I was just talking about it with Clare.



I mean, we all know where to find the relatively crummy ones. Or the really, really crummy ones. There's too many of them around, frankly.

What I mean is where are the guys who are smart, witty, articulate, socially aware, independent, motivated, considerate, nice to animals and the elderly, monogomous (rather than polyamorous), non-psycho, not posessive, enjoys a good laugh, stimulates my mind, encourages those around him to grow and enjoy challenges, etc, etc.

Okie, so I know a few guys like that. But they all seem to be into the stick-thin women! Arghh! Just because I'm not a size 6 doesn't mean I want to settle for dating some complete knobjockey guy, thank-you very much. One guy in particular I know just totally amazes me with how he's all that and a banana split. But ya... *shrugs*

Other guys I've met lately include total pervs (ewwwww *bashes them over the head with crusifix and garlic cloves*), way too possessive and jealous (which makes me run miles in the opposite direction, even if they are cute), cute but dumb, awesome but unattractive, etc, etc, or just a wee bit too old.

It's vaguely depressing.

Still, on the whole, being single is kinda fun :)


Melody said...

if you find a decent one, let me know where i can do so too :)

Anonymous said...

I know wher the guy is that has all those qualities, and is good looking. He is renting a room from Santa, has the Easter Bunny as a pet but I'm afraid he is already going out with the Tooth Fairy.

It'll probably easier if you list the things you don't want in a man.

Don't worry Della, I still love ya.

Della said...


Likewise, Melody! *lol*

And yeah, kinda true, Ben! But at least he lives with something that provides lots of chocolate and presents?

Awww, I luvs you too *happy moments*

Brandon said...

The people (men or women) that you describe are very very rare... Good luck in your search - they do exist.

*helps bash pervs*

Della said...

Mm, yup, they are out there :)

Although didn't Mulder think that about the aliens... or was that the truth? *lol*

Only kidding :) There are a lot of great people out there, really. Just sometimes the annoying ones are more obvious!