Monday, March 27, 2006

The Sam and the City blogs on the Sydney Morning Herald site are kinda starting to make me want to scream, were it not that the scream wouldn't last long with this 'flu thing I've got. Okay, so I don't have to read them, but they're kind of like a car crash. Or watching Iraq war commentary. You know it's really wrong and totally stupid but kind of fascinating at the same time.

But I agree with a comment made on the Why Women Cheat installation of the column by someone called "Jumbles," who says: It seems like this site was put here to get new ideas for an aging soap opera. After almost every post, you can hear, 'Like sands through the hour glass...'"

Even more amusing was the blog about whether or not women and men could be friends (see here) without wishing to mount each other at the nearest opportunity. Platonic relationships *gasp* What a concept! How silly so many people are.

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