Tuesday, March 28, 2006

You know, it's funny.

I'm not a relationships guru, although people often ask me for advice. Not entirely sure why, perhaps I look like I know the answers to some of the mysteries of the universe or something like that. But really, the only major thing I've learnt so far in observing my own and other's relationships is that communication is super important.


You wouldn't believe how many people don't talk to each other about things! They've got a problem. What do they do? They talk to someone else. You suggest that they talk to the person they're dating or whatever about the issue and they get all, "Ohh... but..."

NO BUTS! *shakes fist*

You have a problem, you suck it up and talk to the person, even though it could mean that there's some bits of life that will cause you some pain. Be honest. Grow some bollocks! Get off your high-horse with them if you're feeling superior and try some honesty (and I mean genuinely honest, not honesty to hurt or manipulate or whatever). Talk through problems with your significant other. Stay calm and be reasonable.

Oh, and realise that life isn't all sunshine lollipops rainbows and butteflies :-p

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