Thursday, November 02, 2006

I decided to go on a google hunt to see what I could find about wedding wear this morning, and there were actually quite a few sites dedicated to it.

> Wear florals or "yummy" colours.
Great hint. "Yummy" colours? I don't have florals. I don't LIKE florals. Why is it that almost all of the sites talked florals? Is it because they want you to blend into the garden? Anyways, the whole concept makes me think of Nanna-wear sort of things. Or the 1980s atrocities with those dropped waists and so on.

> Not an appropriate time to dress like a tart.
Or a cake. Or a stack of dessert crepes. Or blueberry danish.

> Don't wear red or white to an ex-husband's wedding.
Or don't go at all. Stay home, put your feet up and enjoy the day. Not entirely sure why you'd go to an ex's wedding anyways?

> Think Grace Kelly.
Except that I'm not thin, blonde and married to Prince Rainer. Sod.

> It's now no longer taboo to wear black or white to weddings.

> No hard hair or heavy makeup.
So no doing the Bronwyn Bishop helmet then.

Still no flamin' idea (Alf Stewart moment), but my mate Tony suggested a tracksuit, based on the location of the wedding. Cheeky minx that he is. And looking through the clothing options last night didn't help much at all. Oh well!

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