Thursday, November 23, 2006

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree!

Set up the Christmas tree last night, pulled all of the decorations off of it tonight and re-did them. Plus I found some of the remaining chocolate decorations from last year that neither Derek nor I nor any of the people we'd shared them with had devoured.

Not eating them, tho. Even if I fall into a desperate need of chocolate. Scaly white formerly milk chocolate is not at all a good thing. I'd go so far as to say it's REALLY bad.


clare said...

I *heart* christmas trees.
I *heart* trees in general.
Your christmas tree rocks.

Della said...

Aww, thanks!

Christmas trees are so pretty. It's sometimes so hard to get them looking right, though.

Sean Carter said...

Your Christmas tree looks awesome. If you are looking out for some more cool and innovative ideas you can jus peep into my Holiday Blog...