Wednesday, November 15, 2006

*le gasp* somewhat straight!

Somewhat straightened hair, and me looking somewhat demented - personally I blame the hair...

Thinking of doing another series of pix (a la the Hitchcock-inspired ones from the other week), but I'm not entirely sure what to do. Although the weekend will apparently be fine, so there'll be no excuse to stay inside, be creative, do crazy things, not sleep.

Instead it'll be a time to do raking and mowing. Mmm... exciting. And attempting to repair the front gutter, which has decided to have issues once more (and I'm not gonna poke it with a stick or shout at it). Nothing like yard work. It'll make the place look much more presentable at least, which is a consolation for hours of work and not being all that good at using things like the whipper snipper (which still makes me laugh).

Why must it be so cold? It must be nuclear winter or something. It's hailing right now and I'm hiding under three blankets with the heater on (the wood's all wet so I can't light the fire). Brrr!!!


kris said...

hmmm, i think you look younger with your hair be careful when you go and buy your beer:P

Della said...

Or go clubbing or buy ciggarettes? *lol*