Sunday, October 02, 2005

Flower of Carnage

I'm mostly a non-violent person (am I? Yes, mostly... definitely non-violent), but there are some times and some people that are really annoying and it can make me cross.

Right now, I would like to make like The Bride and rip the eyes out of a guy I know. Yes, that's evil, but he just infuriates me *that* much with how he hits on me, even though he's engaged. I try avoiding him, but he goes to extra lengths to contact me, etc.



And now, let us ponder wonderfully serene things, like mountain lakes, harmonious sunsets, ikibana floral arrangements, quiet Sunday afternoons with the birds singing and the sun shining warm, Turkish delight, painting...

*deep breaths*


Anonymous said...

wow violent della ......... darn you mean i cant bug you about marrage any more :)

Della said...

You're not an issue with that *lol* I mean, you're not engaged or anything like that. The thing that really makes me want to tell him to fuck off and die is that he's engaged and knows I HATE him hitting on me, but he does it anyways.

If I'm in close proximity to him the next time he does it, he'll have to watch out that I don't "accidentally" get his nads in a squirrel grip and twist them viciously.


Anonymous said...

wow lol remind me never to piss you off if i ever decide to come visit you :P

Della said...

Yes... I have a knife set... *blinks languidly* And a nice sharp axe *lol*

Brandon said...

Actually the squirrel grip sounds more painful than the knives or the axe...

But yeah I can see how it would be annoying. But even more than that, I'd be feeling bad for the engage-ee...

Della said...

*teehee* Yes, the squirrel grip might make him speak in a very high voice for a long time to come...

But on a serious note, I feel sorry for her, too. They have a few problems as it is, and I think that he's probably doing the "greener pastures" thing rather than developing some bollocks and dealing with his problems (that are causing the problems with the relationship). He'd screw up any relationship he has with his mind-set anyways.