Friday, October 14, 2005

*happy sigh*

Even though yesterday was hectic and kind of boring, yesterday evening and night kicked a$$!

I made chocolate and raspberry cheesecakes, which turned out really well. Definitely impressive 'cos I've never made cheesecakes before They made the house smell amazing when they were cooking!

And then I talked on the phone for hours with an old and very dear friend who lives in the UK and we laughed our a$$es off over British shows like Shameless and other such 'gems.' Finally hung up around 1.20am or so when I didn't think I could laugh any more but didn't want to say good-bye yet. Definitely the best time I've had in weeks.

Happy days :)

Today's been interesting, though. The guy came to fix the phone and it was a problem with the line, which had to be replaced. We had a good long chat about Telstra and lots of other things, and it was interesting to find out some perspectives about the potential sale and privatisation from someone who works for Telstra.

Real estate agent paid a surprise visit that I hadn't been told about. That was interesting. Thankfully I saw my landlord down the street when I was out paying bills and stuff and he mentioned to me about it then. Rushed home with him and his wife, cleaned the house in a hell of a hurry and it was all good.

The cheesecakes are really good, too! :-D

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